4 Tips To Protect Your Belongings While They Are Sitting In Self Storage Units
Posted on:
5 July 2018
While your belongings are in storage units, you want to ensure that they do not get damaged. Problems like moisture and insects from nearby units can cause damage to materials. By doing a few things when you put your things in storage, you will ensure your belongings are in the same state they were as when you put them in storage. Here are some tips that will help you protect your belongings while they are sitting in self-storage units:
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How To Safely Store Tires
Posted on:
7 October 2016
Whether it's your winter snow tires and just a backup set of tires for your car, storing them properly is a must to ensure they last until you need them next. They should never be stored outdoors where they are exposed tot he elements. If you don't have room to store them at home, put them in a storage unit. The following advice can help you store them correctly.
Clean is best
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Storing Your Family Photos? Make Sure You Follow These Basic Rules
Posted on:
7 October 2016
Through the years, the average individual will accumulate quite the collection of family photos. From school pictures to special occasion snapshots--each and every one of these memories is no doubt valued and important. When placing such personal effects in a storage unit, it can be unnerving to think that they could come out of storage in any other way than they were when they went in. If you plan to store away family photos in a storage unit, thankfully, there are a few things you can do to ensure that when you pull them back out, they will still be in the same condition.
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Ways That A Self-Storage Unit Can Help In The Wake Of A Family Member's Death
Posted on:
29 September 2016
When a family member who doesn't live with you passes away, you'll likely be preoccupied with the grieving process. However, it's also useful to think about the duties that you'll likely begin handling in the days following the person's death. The list of these jobs will often be lengthy, but it's useful to add one more thing to your list — rent a self-storage unit near the person's home. The availability of this storage space will come in handy in a number of different ways, thus making your life easier during this trying time.
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